Worth County Elementary School

Welcome back to Worth County Elementary School!!! We are looking forward to an exciting year at WCES. WCES provides an excellent learning environment for boys and girls in the third, fourth, and fifth grades. At WCES we encourage all of our students to be RAMS! Responsible, Attentive, Motivated, Students!

We have an outstanding faculty and staff, great students, and wonderful parents who work together to provide the best possible education for our students. As principal, I am privileged to work with such great students and dedicated teachers each and every day!

The purpose statement of the Worth County School System states, "To ensure a quality education for all students leading to graduation and productive citizenship." The faculty and staff of Worth County Elementary School will achieve this purpose by providing an environment that is essential to learning. We will challenge each student to reach his or her highest potential within a positive, risk free school environment.

If at any time, you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school. Again we look forward to working with you throughout this school year to ensure that your child is successful!!


Dr. Steven D. Rouse